Optical Coherence Tomography, more commonly known as OCT, has transformed eye care in the community as well as hospital eye units across the whole world. It uses a safe laser to produce a high-definition cross-section view of your retina in vivo (live view). It is a simple, non-invasive procedure and is designed to scan through most cataracts (except for really dense cataracts).
It shows us exactly how the eye looks at that point in time. This is so much more than just a simple photo of your eye. Hence it is an excellent tool for diagnosing retinal problems, monitoring progress, or even just as a routine scan to pick up subtle abnormalities.
OCT can detect various eye problems such as macular degeneration, diabetic maculopathy, macular hole and macular oedema. The usage of OCT is expanding very fast. We can use the OCT to help us diagnose glaucoma earlier.
Of course, these tools are useless if you do not know how to use or make sense of the information. Our Optometrists are proficient and skilled at analysing and making use of the data to facilitate sound clinical judgement.
Our specialist optometrists are heavily involved in corneal, medical retina and vitreo-retinal clinics with consultant ophthalmologists where OCT is being used routinely. Hence you can be reassured we understand and have wide experience of recognising many of the various abnormalities that crop up in day to day practice.
An eye examination at Martin Steels Emsworth is more than just an eye test.
We are striving to provide the next level of care.